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Ek' Balam

Rui Araujo

Membro Conhecido
"Ek' Balam (20.9 degrees N, 88.1 degrees W)[sup][1][/sup] is a pre-Columbian archaeological site in municipality of Temozón[sup][2][/sup] in Yucatán, Mexico, which is in the Mideast of the Northern lowlands. The people who lived in and built this city belonged to those of the Maya civilization. The site is located 30 kilometres (19 mi) north of Valladolid, 2 kilometres (1.2 mi) away from a small Maya village by the same name. It is 51 kilometres (32 mi) northeast of Chichen Itza, another Maya site that flourished in the Late Classic. In Yucatec Mayan the name means "Dark (Black) Jaguar"[sup][3][/sup]. In its time, it was a large city, controlling a populous and prosperous countryside. Its impressive architecture dates, for the most part, to the Late Classic."

Fonte: Wikipedia

Para quem gosta dos locais arqueologicos , e vai agora ao México Ek' Balam é sem duvida um local a visitar. E dos mais recentes a ser aberto ao publico e parece ter coisas muito interessante para ver.
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Tive lá em 2009 e já estava aberto ao publico,
as instalações é que eram um pouco precárias (wc, etc)
mas tem uma vista brutal do cimo da piramide